A large industrial corporation in Gent wants to replace a critical piece of process equipment. Piece of cake for Van de Walle, for sure. But then, the unthinkable happens: the equipment breaks down before the planned replacement. The client calls Van de Walle: can you speed up delivery, from 4 months to… 4 weeks?
Apparently, there is a sense of urgency. The equipment is of critical importance: it cools down gases, makes chemical components condens (so as to recycle them) en reduces the emissions of the plant. The recovered heat is used to produce steam. This is a typical example of equipment Van de Walle is specialized in, as it is packed with added value. But in this specific case, speed was critical because the equipment reduces emissions. In other words, the environment was urging to speed up the whole project considerably.
Van de Walle starts calculating and planning: all hands on deck, 24/7! The full team is dedicated, working day and night to have the new equipment installed within 4 weeks. According to Hendrik Lorré, this once more proves Van de Walle's flexibility: ‘we can be very fast, efficient and flexible. After just one phone call, we changed our overall planning from A to Z, with but one goal: to meet the client’s urgent request.’ The result after 4 weeks: happy client, happy Van de Walle, happy environment!